
Thursday, October 2, 2014

October Roundtable Summary

Thanks to the Higley Stake for their instruction tonight. Those that missed - missed out. But I'll post some links here so it's not a total loss for you (and hopefully not a loss for the Highland Hawks tonight, where lots of people were... [sorry Tigers.])

David Graham instructed us on how to hold an "Ethical Controversy" night, and we broke into small groups for participation/discussion in some ethical controversies.

If you'd like to learn more, here's a link to the Venturing Manual online - start at page 197: http://www.people.vcu.edu/~albest/Training/VenturingLeaderManual.pdf

We then had a presentation on climbing by Jeff Winder (sorry if I wrote down the wrong first name Bro W.) Here's his Powerpoint presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzv9zp2pi293ke6/Rock%20Climbing%20and%20repelling.ppt?dl=0
You can learn who to contact to get trained, and where you can even rent equipment.

Climbing Training is on December 3, 4, and 5 - contact Jeff Jeffries at 520-705-2094. Cost is $35. (See the PowerPoint for more details.)

Thanks to those who participated - see you next month.

Upcoming Roundtables

Just a reminder about the upcoming roundtables. We had a change for this and next month on topics. This month we'll hear learn about Ethical Controversies, and next month the topic will be the Leadership training.

Please remember that in December we don't have a regular roundtable. It's time for the District's awards banquet. Today is the last day to submit nominations for awards.

The banquet will be at 777 E Elliot Rd in Gilbert - the LDS Stake Center on the southwest corner of Lindsay and Elliot at 7pm. I'm told it will short and sweet, with treats at the end.

Remember, you don't have to be shy with your nominations for awards - and they don't have to be for only people that are in your unit.

September Roundtable Summary

Thanks to all who attended roundtable on Thursday, and many thanks to the Highland East Stake for presenting information about a couple of excellent activities their crews had during the past couple of years.

Here's the link to the site for Camp Colley: http://www.campcolley.org

Here's the link to the Havasupai page: http://havasupaifalls.net/hiking.html

Here's a link to the presentation about their encampment at Camp Colley:

Here's a link to the Havasupai presentation:

And a link to their personal gear for Havasupai:
