
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fall Training 2014

Do you want to be a trained leader? Well, you should. And with all the changes to the Venture program, this training will get you up to date with the latest information to give your youth the best trained leader they can have.

Our district training is on September 13th (see below.) But you're always welcome to attend other districts' trainings instead. I've combed the council website, and the best I can come up with (on dates other than September 13th) is below.

Venture Leader Specific Training

San Tan District
Saturday, September 13 – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
2740 S Lindsay Rd, Gilbert AZ  85296
Cost $10.00

Thunderbird District
Saturday, September 27 – 7:45 am to 1:30 pm
4748 W Orangewood Ave, Phoenix AZ  85301
Cost $15

This last one is listed, but you may want to contact them - it looks like VST, but it's not the usual length of time… would hate for you to go there and blow the drive, and a Friday evening…

Camelback District
Friday, October 24 – 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Heard Scout Pueblo: 1901 E Dobbins Rd, Phoenix AZ  85040
Cost $10

If you find others - please feel free to email me or comment below, and I'll add them to the list.