Our district training is on September 13th (see below.) But you're always welcome to attend other districts' trainings instead. I've combed the council website, and the best I can come up with (on dates other than September 13th) is below.
Venture Leader Specific Training
San Tan District
Saturday, September 13 – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
2740 S Lindsay Rd, Gilbert AZ 85296
Cost $10.00
Thunderbird District
Saturday, September 27 – 7:45 am to 1:30 pm
4748 W Orangewood Ave, Phoenix AZ 85301
Cost $15
This last one is listed, but you may want to contact them - it looks like VST, but it's not the usual length of time… would hate for you to go there and blow the drive, and a Friday evening…
Camelback District
Friday, October 24 – 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Heard Scout Pueblo: 1901 E Dobbins Rd, Phoenix AZ 85040
Cost $10
If you find others - please feel free to email me or comment below, and I'll add them to the list.