
Monday, January 26, 2015

Venturing Leader-specific Training

February and March Venturing Forums will be for VLST.

You must attend BOTH of the forums to become fully "trained."

Forum will run from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm on BOTH nights - if you miss one, there will not be a make up session.

This is also the ONLY training in our district for Venturing leaders this spring. There will be another Saturday training session in the fall.

There is NO CHARGE for the class this time. Please attend - invite all your co-advisers to become fully trained.

We'll have treats. There will be dancing. And music. And... okay, just the first part.
But you will feel awesome about being trained with the latest information to be the best leader you can for your youth. And you'll get a sweet "trained" patch for your uni.

We hope to see you there.