
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Venturing Leader Training Homework

Thank you to those that attended roundtable training tonight. You're 1/2 way to being a fully-trained Venturing leader. Thanks to Rob for preparing and presenting the training.

Rob gave us all some homework about the Guide to Safe Scouting. Here it is, with hyper links, to make you life easy. Because we're all about that.

Here's the direct link to the Guide to Safe Scouting page, where you can also download the PDF.
Below are the links to the specific pages Rob asked us to study up.
(I'll apologize in advance if the links are off.)

Leadership requirements for trips and outings
Safe Swim Defense, only report item #1 - Qualified supervision
Scuba, first 2 paragraphs
Safety Afloat, first paragraph under the Safey Afloat title
Camping, Venturing paragraph
Medical information, brief description of classes 1, 2, 3
Guns and Firearms (I can't find the exact link, but maybe this)
Cave exploring
Climbing and rappelling, 2 paragraphs under Qualified Supervision
Unauthorized and restricted activities
Transportation, all 11 items under the title Automobiles
Tour permits

Thank you - and we'll see you in March to complete our training.